Monday, April 20, 2015

Darkling beetles I have found in Idaho

This is a bit of a different post than usual, but its something that I've wanted to do for a while, so what the heck. This is a list of all the darkling beetles I've found in Idaho. Unfortunately I don't have pics of most of these, and some I haven't collected, so no pics for this list.

Here we go:
Araeoschizus sp
3 Different Blapstinus sp
Coelocnemis sp
2 Different Coniontis sp
Edrotes ventricosus
Eleodes armatus
Eleodes caudiferus
Eleodes cordatus
Eleodes hispilabris
Eleodes obscurus
Eleodes sp (subgenus blapyis)
Eusattus muricatus
Hymenorus sp
Lepidocnemeplatia sp
Pseudocistela sp
Stenomorpha sp
Trogloderus sp

I hope this is useful to anybody who wants to know some of Idaho's darkling beetle fauna. However, since I don't have pics of each species, I don't have any scientific proof, so you'll have to take my word for it. However, I have done a lot of research on darklings, and have spent many, MANY days looking through bugguide, so I consider myself well learned on identifying darklings. ;) Hope you guys enjoyed!


  1. Thank you for this useful post! We live in Idaho Falls, and you just helped my son and I identify an Eleodes hispilabris.

  2. No problem, glad my post was helpful! :) That species seems to be very widespread in ID!
