Sunday, January 21, 2024

Some New Hissers

Well guys, in this Summer's Roachcrossing box, I caved and finally got one of the most popular hisser species, Elliptorhina javanica, AKA the "Halloween Hisser". Definitely one of the prettiest hissers in culture IMO, and they are one of the smallest as well.

I have mine set up in a well ventilated enclosure with an inch of coconut fiber substrate, a third of which I keep humid, the rest dry. Lots of bark and cardboard hides, and I'm keeping them at around 80-85F°. I'm offering dog food and fruits for their staple diet, as well as leaf litter.

Here are some pics of them:



Cute little species, unfortunately a couple of my females have aborted oothecae, and I'm not sure what about their setup isn't to their liking. 🤔  Hopefully I can figure them out and get them breeding.

Now for a species I've always wanted to see in person, but never have until now, Elliptorhina laevigata, the "V-Horn Hisser"! 😄 This species has beautiful coloration, with two typical color variations, dark and high orange. This is one of the more finicky Elliptorhina spp., and I've had a few losses due to screw ups in their care already. However they seem to have stabilized, and have all matured, so fingers crossed for some breeding action soon!

I have mine set up in a well ventilated enclosure with an inch of coconut fiber substrate, a third of which I keep humid, the rest dry. They have plenty of bark and eggcrate hides, and I'm keeping them at around 80-85F°. I'm offering dog food and fruits for their staple diet, as well as leaf litter.

Here are some pictures of these stunners:



Such a pretty species, and so big for this genus too! Again though, these have been giving me some issues, I had some die offs when I accidentally overrated them, and a couple aborted ooths as well. 😕 The remaining adults seem to have stabilized, I hope they will pop out some babies soon.

I also got some more Gromphadorhina portentosa "1972 Cleveland Aquarium" nymphs to bolster my starter culture and hopefully get this strain breeding better for me. Said nymphs have all matured now, so hopefully I'll have a nice colony soon. 😃 

Well, that does it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time! 😉

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