Saturday, January 2, 2021

My First Panesthia angustipennis cognata Adult!

The first of my Panesthia angustipennis cognata "Cambodia" nymphs matured several days ago! 😁 So now I get to see what one of these adult Panesthia look like with completely perfect wings! This one's a male, and I'm hoping some of my females aren't too far behind. 🤞

Here are some pictures of my fresh new adult:

Very nice looking, and I was able to get some ventral pics of him as well, to show how difficult it is to sex Panesthiinae... The very last ventral segment on males is so tiny, they often look like females at first glance. It's easier to sex some genera than others, Panesthia seem to be easy to sex, but Ancaudellia and Salganea give me more trouble, especially smaller ones like S.taiwanensis. 😅 

Well, that's gonna do it for this quick little update, I hope you all enjoyed, thanks for reading, stay safe, and I'll see you all in the next post! 😉

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