Saturday, April 9, 2022

April Rare Roach Updates!

Lots has happened recently with some of my rarer/uncommon roaches, so get ready for another update dump post! (with lots of pictures). 😅

First off (and perhaps most excitingly), two of my Eucorydia linglong nymphs have matured, one female and one male! 😁 The other two subadults aren't far behind, and will likely mature soon! Apparently giving them a mild diapause (low to mid 60s F°) was a good idea, as soon as I heated them back up last month they started eating a bit more and their development kick-started.

The adults of this species are way prettier than E.yasumatsui IMO (and can get almost twice as large), their thorax and upper tegmina are a metallic green, the tips of their wings and even abdomens being metallic blue. Their tegmina are covered in patches of silvery white hairs, and they have some gorgeous orange banding on their abdomens too (plus orange spots on the edges of the tegmina). Overall a stunning species! 😍

Here are some pictures, my camera doesn't pick up their colors the best under flash, so I got some pics of the female under indirect daylight too:

Adult female in dim, but natural lighting

Adult female under flash

Adult male under flash

I already observed the two of them courting and doing a sort of dance on the lid of their enclosure, so I'm sure I'll be getting offspring soon! 😁

Speaking of which, thought I'd mention that several weeks ago I found hatchlings in my Eucorydia yasumatsui setup! So despite botching their setup initially, I still successfully bred them, WOOHOO! 🎉😂 Now hopefully they grow well for me!

Next up, my Hormetica sp. "Colombia" male nymphs have been maturing en masse, and boy are they pretty! 😁 Interestingly they seem a lot less hostile towards each other than males of H.strumosa or even L.grossei so far... hopefully it stays that way.

Here are some pics of them:

It's very odd just how closely their pronotum markings resemble the "glowspots" on Lucihormetica! But they definitely are just markings, not protrusions of any sort. I really don't feel the two should be different genera TBH, but whatever, that's a topic for another day, and a less exhausted Invertebrate Dude. 😅

My Princisia vanwaerebeki "Androhamana" have been growing very well and most have molted at least twice for me by now. Some of the larger nymphs have started gaining coloration similar to the adults, and OH BABY do they look good! 😍 Definitely my favorite hissers period after seeing this coloration in person, pictures do not do them justice, and they should be even more spectacular as adults! 😁

Here are some photos and a short video of one of the nymphs:

Such a pretty locale, really hope they'll become well established in culture! 😁

Some of the males in my Gyna lurida "Yellow" setup have started maturing, and so far seem OK in terms of coloration. I believe these are about as yellow as males of this strain can get, though I could be wrong.

This is actually like, the least pretty male in the culture, but alas I didn't feel like digging one of the other ones out:

He's still a looker IMO, though females of this strain definitely outshine the males. 😅 Speaking of which, one of the females in this colony is a subadult now, so it shouldn't be too long until I start seeing some breeding action in there!

Last, but definitely not least, the larger of my two Macropanesthia rhinoceros females molted again, and she's looking so good! 😊 She may be a pre-sub or even subadult by now, so my hunt for a male nymph/young adult male shall now commence... 😂

Here she is in all her chonky glory:

It's incredible just how much size they put on with each molt, I can't wait to see adults of this mammoth species in person! 😃

Well, that's gonna do it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, stay safe, and I'll see you all next time! 😉


  1. April is booming !! Fantastic set of natural indirect light photos! Very happy to see them mature under your care 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

    Love the lurida coloration!! Wish mine could be like that... They are totally a washed out brown.

    Omg look at the size of the Macropanesthia ❤️ thank you so much for sharing amazing specimen.
    Hope one day can see them alive and in colors too 🥰
    Cheers TJ 🍻

    1. Yes, it really is booming! 😄 Thanks, I did my best to try and capture at least a little of their real coloration. Hopefully we'll both have lots of offspring soon! 😉

      Yeah, apparently a lot of the "Yellow" G.lurida lines out there aren't very refined and throw out lots of normal brown individuals... This line is supposed to be a better isolated one, I suppose we'll see when all of them mature.

      Yeah, and they still have growing to do! 😁 Hopefully I can find a male for them soon, one of my friends offered to loan their male when their pair finishes mating, so one way or another I'm getting these females mated. 😂 I hope so too, I think a decent amount of Chinese breeders have this species, they're also sold in Europe somewhat frequently too (and for cheaper than here in the US).

      Cheers Martin! 😁🍻
