Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Gold Dubias, Pink Roach Babies & Baby Pseudoglomeris!!!

Finally, I have adults popping up in my Blaptica dubia "Unnamed Gold Morph" colony from Kyle of Roachcrossing! ๐Ÿ˜ (You REALLY need to decide on a name for these Kyle... ๐Ÿ™ƒ).

The females are quite a bit darker than I was expecting, though I suppose I'd just forgotten that traditionally the females of "Gold" dubia lines are pretty dark in comparison to more yellow lines, like JohnFrost's "Amber Dubia" strain (which coincidentally have also just become publicly available). The males of Kyle's "Gold" strain are very pale though, as are the nymphs, and overall all life stages are very close in appearance to the EU "Gold" lines of dubia out there, without the accompanying health issues and poor breeding vigor those lines usually have.

Here are some pics of an adult pair:

Adult female

Adult male

Adult pair

Very pretty strain, really hope they'll breed well for me! As far as my first dubias go, glad I got to work with this strain! ๐Ÿ˜

I'm happy to report that my Gyna capucina have had babies! ๐Ÿ˜ And I'm talking dozens of the things, seems like one of the females had a decent sized litter! Upon the suggestion of my buddy Alan Jeon, I've been keeping my adults separate from their nymph siblings, as it seems like larger nymphs might stress out the females of the larger Gyna spp. (at least in small enclosures). I also gave my adults a shallow but very chunky and well aerated substrate. I honestly haven't been keeping them very hot, only like 75-80F°, and still that's been enough to breed them. Very happy to have finally successfully bred these beauties, which are direct descendants of the old colony I received from an old friend of mine years ago. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Lastly, last night I found that one of my last two female Pseudoglomeris tarsalis had given birth to a full sized litter of 15-20 nymphs! ๐Ÿ˜

This species has NOT been doing great for me, as I'd mentioned in a previous post, and even in their new setup with no males and less springtails, they just weren't doing well. So, I decided to pull a Hail Mary, and threw my remaining two females in my Pseudoglomeris aerea "Yunnan" setup (of course, after removing the one adult male aerea that was in there, since I don't wanna make hybrids).
The P.aerea have been doing phenomenally, so I thought that by throwing the tarsalis in there, they would benefit from the allee effect, since there's a lot of healthy aerea nymphs bustling around in there. I also though they may possibly prefer just the aerea setup itself, perhaps the specific humidity gradient and ventilation levels of that enclosure were more conducive to breeding Pseudoglomeris than the tarsalis's old setups (despite me attempting to keep them essentially the same).

Either way, it worked, and I managed to save my tarsalis. ๐Ÿ˜… Hopefully the other female gives birth soon, then begins the process of me removing all the tarsalis from that setup before Fall when I throw the aerea into their diapause... and/or before any aerea start maturing, whichever comes first, can't be making hybrids after all... ๐Ÿ˜‚

Well, that's gonna do it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, stay safe, and I'll see you all next time! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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